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In Hardcore Superstar 1997-2008 The leather nun 2009. Solo 2010

Saturday 10 April 2010

doctor, doctor, please

I got the news today, oh boy! In four weeks i am gonna see the doctor. Four weeks i have to wait to get this arm fixed. And thats going to be under the knife. Surgery. How fucking fantastic! Latest thing i already knew i had: Carpel Tunnel Syndrome......Some of these doctors are like Columbus. They discover something that everybody already know exists!
So here is the list of what i suffer from:

1. Tendinitis
2. Impingement Syndrome
3. Carpel Tunnel Syndrome

I hate hospitals like nothing else and it´s gonna bug the shit out of me for some time i suppose.
I have been making a lot of music the last days but nothing with guitars. It turned into three rather nice pop songs. Sort of The Teddybears meets Fleetwood Mac "Rumours" era. Very heavy beats and Jen did some jaw dropping vocals. Think i am going to put it here if there is any one who would like a listen to what happens when i cant play any guitar at all.
For one song, I sampled Steely Dan. Made a heavy beat myself, added a sweet melody on the keys and suddenly it is summer when i play it? What i mean to say is that its a summer hit feeling all over. Great stuff.
And now the vocal sound is getting real good. With the Summit Audio compressor and pre-amp i must say that the end result is more than what i need. I mean for doing some nice demo´s that is. This is not studio standard stuff at all. But I am not studio standard either, am i? The only thing that bugs me right now is the awful reverbs that they put in Cubase 4. Cubase 5 got some better ones i know but who wants to change to 5 when you don´t know 4 yet. Got it?

And i think i have found the reason for all my pain...

Every other photo i have sports this pose.

1 comment:

  1. It's ironic...'coz this's definitely my favorite part of your playing on the stage.
    I mean it's very "Silver like" action for me.
    Wish you would have a good result after seeing the doctor....
