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In Hardcore Superstar 1997-2008 The leather nun 2009. Solo 2010

Thursday 8 April 2010

Tranquillo Giannini nylon string.

So here it is! Made in Brazil 1972.
1.3.72 to be precise.
Tranquillo Giannini was an italian guitar and violin maker who moved to Brazil 1890 and started building nylon string guitars from Brazilian rosewood. So the sound of this is huge and clear.
You might remember the four non-blondes and Linda Perry. She had one like this in that music video from the nineties.
Jen´s father bought this and two more for NOTHING.....can you believe it?
Just how often do you run into one like this, how many times have you been standing in your local music shop, having a hard time cause you have to choose from this or another guitar?
Let me tell you: Close to never!
And if you are one of the lucky dogs that actually did buy a Giannini, Congrats!
The Silv

1 comment:

  1. Never happened of course! Seems to be easy to access higher notes. I want to try her if I can find somewhere! I'm curious
