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Tuesday 4 May 2010

Appetite for destruction

From Ed..

This is from

March 2010

Gibson Recently came out with The Slash"Appetite For Destruction Guitar" 

It struck me incredibly funny that Gibson actually attempted to copy a guitar that was originally a copy of a Gibson. Anyone who is even mildly aware of early Slash recordings knows that those guitars were not Les Paul's. In fact the first one & the three following were built by Max Baranella & Chris Derrig respectively.
These 2 Luthiers gained an underground following so incredible that used Max guitars are going for $15,000.00 when in fact there is nothing super special about them except that they use better woods & Components than Gibson .
Currently Used Japanese Navigators, Edward's, Burny's, Tokai's & Madores are selling for more than Gibsons.

There are currently at least 5 luthiers in the Los Angeles area that I personally know of that are building these guitars for prices exceeding $13,000.00. The really amazing thing is that people are actually buying them.
No wonder Gibson finally came out with the
 "Appetite For Destruction Guitar" .I am watching and waiting to see if even more people will fall for Gibson's latest marketing ploy.


  1. I don't care about your anti Gibson've played mine...and it kicks ass! fretless wonder! Good enough for Rhoads! and no, Rhoads used a genuine Gibson, AS did Jimmy Page...and Pearly Gates isn't a copy...your becoming a heretic sir, a Heretic...(see ya tomorrow..)

  2. True...but don´t ya think yours is much better than a brand new steve jones with crap standard pup(those you always complain about) for that stupid price?
    if RR was around today, he would well first of all assassinate Mr Wylde, then let Gibson pay Carl Sandoval to build his"Gibson". just like Slash, rev billy, Joe perry and on and on... and yes i am a heretic, a gypsy one...the worst kind you know...wanna trade a stolen chicken for the fretless wonder...
    see you later must check the charvels.. to die for.
