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Saturday 8 May 2010

Did C.C need 15 guitars in each Poison video?

This is again from my very close friend Gato el Glammo from Tinselpinsel city.

Recently on a music forum, somebody started a discussion.

Did C.C need 15 guitars in each Poison video? And the discussion started like crazy with some interesting answers. Check it out.

Every time the camera cut back to him, CC had a different guitar. Was this necessary? 

Yes. How else would you get to see all the great B.C. Rich products available in stores now!

It's the only way he can make it through a song, one of them has to be in tune.

when you can't play worth a shit, how else can you attract attention?!?

How else would he look ultra cool?

I think in Poison's case, with those videos in particular, it was just a case of flashier is better.

Flashy? It's poison! Silly string! confetti! Pyro! Easy bake ovens! They'll do anything to distract from the fact they can't play worth the fuck.

Well atleast he didn't cry like a little bitch to distract you from his lack of talent like Kurt Cobain did.

I love looking at all those 80's guitars in those videos. CC played some beautiful looking BC Rich, Jackson, and Ibanez guitars. That BC Rich Gunslinger with the Patrick Nagel graphic is like looking at a Ferrari for a guitar player.

And then a guy entered, who used to be Tracii Guns room mate and guitar tech, and he also worked with Poison.



At first he had the Charvel with the flame job on it...then when we started touring, he left that at home and he had Roman Rist build two blue strats, one light blue, one darker, each of which got various sticker treatments (including a headstock logo I did with letraset that said "C.C. 'Pussyman' DeVille" LOL, and a fat naked chick from some fatty porn we found at a gig...that one used to get cropped/blurred out in magazines all the time icon_mrgreen.gif ), up to the point where I covered one entirely with chrome tape.

...then the B.C. Riches came in. That was sweet. We could get pretty much anything from them. I have fond memories of just sticking my hand in big bins of parts and taking whatever I wanted for spares...BC Rich was great to deal with, and Bernie was a sweetheart, especially when the band started to blow up.

The guitars in the Talk Dirty video were all on loan from Guitars R Us...the owner managed Poison at the time.

The unfortunate thing is, there was this prototype Jackson neck-thru strat that was specially made for Jeff Beck that DeVille threw off, (I was waiting off-camera), but he was standing on the it went to the end of the cord, then took a nosedive, snapping the headstock off...that thing would be worth $$$ now...if it wasn't broken! icon_biggrin.gif


  1. lol!
    the best is: It's the only way he can make it through a song, one of them has to be in tune.
    remember the MTV video music awards when cc stepped on the cable. then bret michaels gives what he deserves, then give the place to richie kotzen who plays awesome but betrayed lol, but its another history
    be cool

    Ti Glam

  2. Do you happen to have any photos of CC w/ the dark blue Rist? Did he use it on tour?

    I've got a few guitars built by Roman. I recently picked up an '86 Strat style / Floyd setup guitar built by Roman - similar setup to what CC had. It was a lucky find - you don't see an old Rist pop up for sale all too often.

    Thanks much!
